Jylil wanted to make sure that the school to prison pipeline wasn’t the end of his story. Bad choices born out of poverty routinely lead to a life sentence of housing insecurity. Jylil had paid his debt to society and was ready to make the most of his second chance. Despite holding a steady job, the reluctance of landlords to give Jylil that chance meant months of living in a motel—paying $600 a week. Finally, he was able to find an apartment for himself, his wife, and their three kids.
This PBS Heartland Episode about housing insecurity in our community was done by Lysandra Peterson and our friends at Deep Structure. You’ll even see a few of the heroes from our nonprofit community interviewed. This 26-minute episode is well worth your time.
If you get a chance to watch it, I’d love to chat with you afterward.
- Chris Lassiter (classiter@cfcbr.org)